Where are my ladies at???  
You all know headwraps have gradually started to take over the space in our closets once occupied by wide brim hats. It’s hard not to gravitate towards these accessories, especially in the summer when they help to keep our hair and scalp stylishly protected from the scorching sun 😱😱😱

Headwraps come in fabrics,  in ankara,  in kente, the best is to go for what suits you!

Read below the step-by-step instructions for four fabulous ways to make you a head wrap Queen 👑

1. The Gigantic Bow

Step 1: Start by gathering your hair into a topknot. Place the headwrap at the back of your head, making sure the fabric is lowered to the nape of your neck. Then, pull ends towards the front.

Step 2: Tie the wrap into a knot at the center.

Step 3: Fold the fabric until it creates an oversized bow.

Step 4: Hide the ends of the wrap by tucking them into the bow flaps.  

2. The Looped Headband

Step 1: Pull your hair up into a high bun. Fold the headwrap in half and place it at the back of your head before pulling ends towards the front.

Step 2: Tie the wrap into a double-knot at the center.

Step 3: Tuck the ends of the fabric underneath towards the nape of your neck.

Step 4: Slide the fabric back just enough until it has the feel of a headband.

3. The Spiral Headband


Step 1: Pull your hair into a high ponytail or bun. Fold the headwrap in half so that it’s lowered to the nape of your neck.  

Step 2: Pull the fabric towards the front and off-center, then tie into a knot.

Step 3: Combine the two separate ends by twisting into one large spiral rope.

Step 4: Tuck the spiral on one side at the nape.

4. The Sophisticated Knot

Step 1: Fold the headwrap in half so that it’s lowered to the nape of your neck and covering your ears.  

Step 2: Pull the fabric towards the front and tie into a double-knot.

Step 3: Tuck the ends of the fabric into wrap so your hair is completely covered.

Step 4: Lower the headwrap so that it sits comfortably.

Do you love headwraps? What's your take on them? Would you rock an headwrap often?

We will be glad to receive from you in the comment section… .

Happy Weekend lovers💙💙💙

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  1. I'm not a fan of scarfs but I'll definitely try out one of these soon. Thank you Lodf💃

    1. You should dear!!! Will look great on you... 💜💜💜

  2. Head wraps.... I'll start trying these now... Thank youuu!

