Hello lovesssss 💙💙💙💙
So I decided to ask an important question today on the blog to hear from you our revered readers and celebrate ourselves…

What Is One Thing You Struggled With and Overcame?
Guess what?  Most times we feel we are not as strong as we think...We don't give time to celebrate ourselves for the little wins,  whether the very glaring ones or the not-so-glaring ones!

Either ways, I feel the often we celebrate ourselves, the better we come and the more we realize that we can overcome anything with God's help and our resolution and persistence and guess what? 

You don't have to be shy sharing your story of how you overcame something, you never know who you might be inspiring.

One thing I used to struggle with was minor depression, I used the word “minor” because I got to understand that there are some very deep levels of depression 😢😢😢 but mine wasn't so bad.

Why Was I Depressed ?
I was depressed not because I didn't have friends around, not because I didn't feel loved, but sometimes I could just be all happy,jumping around, and in few minutes,I  would look all gloomy..

I felt there was not so much reason to be happy all the time, I didn't love myself enough, I didn't love life enough.

I was too concerned about what people said about me… I even had this friend that was always cheerful and had too many friends, so I felt like “why not me?”, “why are people not always flocking around me”?
This led me to depression…

How Did I Overcome It?
First of,  I realized it was a problem! So I sought for help… I talked to God about people(can’t overemphasise the importance of prayer). I read two books,  “The Secret To True Happiness” and “Managing Your Emotions”, both by Joyce Meyer.

These books helped me a lot. I learnt to not hold life too tight to my chest(my Yoruba folks will understand this😁😁)...I learnt to love myself really hard!!! I learnt to also love the people around me. I learnt to share issues with trusted loved ones and not keep them at heart.

This is my short story of one thing I have overcome!

What is one thing you struggled with and overcame?  Will love to hear from you darling readers.
You might just be inspiring someone

Love you Xoxo 💜💜💜💜


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I struggled with validation and it harmed my self worth. When people hear me talk about self love they think I say it on a surface level but No. I battled it first hand and it was a very rough journey until I accepted myself for who I really am. I consistently and intentionally practice self love. I gifts and give myself some well deserved treat; I also write notes to myself. Peoples opinion about me now have little or no effect on me. I live my life💃💃💃

    1. Wow!!! So glad to know ...I'm happy you are living your life to the fullest! Cheers 🍻🍻🍻
      Thanks for stopping by sweetie

  3. This is a very good read. I struggle with minor depression too;such that my mind gets restless in wild imaginations. Growing up, I used to be the happy-go-lucky pereon, but as different events happened in my life, I became more introverted and often depressed. Playing sport, hanging out with friends, music and talking to friends about my emotions have been my get-aways.
    Truth is, minor depression is part of life, but we must find healthy ways of getting out of it.

    1. Veryyyy true!!! There will be down moments but we should find ways to get up and move on! Thanks so much for the comment

  4. My own struggle has been with my family issues ,I hate coming back home during the break because it reminds me a lot of what we are lacking, sometimes I cry and I feel my only escape is when I go back to school and hang out with my friends .

