Whoop whoop!!!  13 days are gone already in December 😄😄😄 I can’t exactly state how I feel right now but I definitely have mixed feelings 😊😊

Excited that the year is almost over and a new year is knocking , at the same time, I am ‘anxious’ about what the new year holds😐  Trust me though, I know God's got us, so I will keep my hopes high!! 💃💃💃

Guess what??? The holidays are about to be upon us and with all of the stress surrounding the past months,  the school work, the stress revolving around implementing a project, organizing an event and lots more, it can be difficult to get excited about the holidays...Sometimes all we just wanna do is SLEEP!!!

But I believe spending the entire vacation in bed or surfing the net(constant for a large percent of youths😀) will be too regular, especially when there are so many fun things to do during the holidays that we can’t enjoy during other times of the year…
Like helloooo, can you take a chill pill and have some fun???

That's why I came up with a list of Festive things to do in December/during the holidays. Check them out and I'm certain you will find them useful.

• Give Yourself A Treat : 

Love up on yourself!!! Show yourself some love my darling readers. You probably spent so much time giving out during the year, spent time encouraging someone or you probably mentored some people, who says you can't take a break? Shop for yourself, get yourself some really nice stuff (of course, be on a budget 😀), have some pedicure/manicure, go for skin care, eat healthy, really healthy!!!

• Go to the movies: Raise your like this if you don't like movies at all ✋ 😀😀….I think you will do yourself some good by going to the movies alongside your loved ones… It's a good way to unwind!

•Spend time with loved ones and family: Of a truth, maintaining healthy relationships is key in every life. Create time to bond with friends and family during the holidays.Go shopping, eat with them, you can share gifts(if it's within your capacity). You will make memories you will forever cherish.

• Attend a Thanksgiving event/birthday party /Or plan one: You can attend “legit”(😀) parties, so many people have weddings this month or birthday events,  link up with a friend that has any event in view…

•Try a new hobby: You can get engaged in a new hobby,  try hiking, learn how to play a game(for instance, scrabble).

• Meet a need:Give out gifts during this season, it doesn't have to be something huge! If you have clothes you no longer use,  you can give people that are homeless or in dire need of them.

Let me just stop here. I hope you find them useful and put them into action.
Do you have any holiday traditions? Kindly share with us in the comment section.

Have a splendid holiday season ahead and a great Friday 💕💕.

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