Welcome to the last day of the year!!! We made it to the 365th day. How awesome our God is…

He kept us through the hurdles, the challenges, the dark moments… Times when it looked like we can't win, He wrapped us in His arms and stepped in..
Glory to the Most High!

Too many stories to tell, so much to be said about 2018. Is it about the victories won? the challenges we overcame?  the opportunities? the open doors, the achievements? the baby steps we took on the path to our greatness? the relationships that blossomed?

As much as there are good things to talk about through the year, we will be deceiving ourselves if we say the year was good all through and there was no down moment… Some of us had disappointments,lost a loved one, faced a fear,had some failures and others, but amidst all these, we are still here!

All of these have shaped us to be better in one way or the other, for some of us, those challenges were necessary for growth, for some us, they have helped us to learn gratitude and to never take things for granted…

There are few lessons I will love to drop here before I drop a note of appreciation.

•Every situation you go through in life is a phase, that is why we say “we are going through”...It's just a phase that will surely pass, therefore, be strong, learn the lessons you should learn and maintain a positive attitude.

•Not everyone you call friend will help you when you need help. There were times this year I was shocked at some people's attitude towards somethings. I have then learnt not to expect too much from people so that I don't end up getting disappointed. Know your circle and your true friends, hold them tight!

•Your Happiness is key and your peace is priority : Revered readers, people will hate! You definitely won't please everyone, some will like you, some will “beef” you, you definitely can't change that. Amidst all the shenanigans around you, your Peace is priority and your happiness is important! 😀😀😀Don't trade your happiness to satisfy people.

•Last but not least, if you don't face your fear,no one will do it for you! There will be times in your life when you just have to take some daring steps regardless of fear. Trust me, you will be fine!

Finally, on behalf of my team (Ladies of Delight Foundation), I will love to say a Big Thank You to all of our revered readers. Thank you for making this ride a sweet one! Thanks for the support, the criticisms, the honest opinions, the amazing feedbacks...You made our year!

We trust that with God and you all on our side, we will achieve greatness in 2019.

Wish you a super-blessed and fabulous 2019 ahead.
Have you been inspired by our posts this year? We will love to receive your opinion as well as suggestions on how to improve, in the comment box.



  1. Yayyyy💃💃💃...Cheers to a better year🤗🤗

  2. glad to have been a part of ladies of delight this year. Thanks for all you do. Come 2019, we will still win together.

    I enjoyed the interviews you had and learnt a lot. I hope to see more of that.

    Stay winning LOD

    1. Yes we will!! Thank you Vicky 💕💕💕...Appreciate your comment. Cheers to more wins together!

